Clay Ingold: Fayetteville Composer, Producer, Guitarist

I’ve spent time on a lot of different guitar amps and modelers like Jacksons, Marshalls, Panamas, new and vintage Fenders, new and vintage Voxs, Kempers, Helixs, and a whole mess of other things. Amps from Blehm Amplification sound like none of them. The crisp highs and the flowing low end allow you to sit well in any mix. Both the B12 and the B35 can be used for virtually any genre of music. They make incredible pedal platforms for indie, pop, praise and worship, ambient music, or country. The natural distortion that you can get fits in great from heavier genres like rock, punk, and even metal. The build quality, tonal quality, and versatility make these lifetime amps for anybody who owns one.